Prestige Boarding Kennel

Your Pet's Home Away From Home!


Small family run kennel near Trumansburg, NY



     Get your pet a 'spa' treatment

*Soothing Skin treatment that includes:
- a hydro massage bath that contains oatmeal to relieve dry itchy skin
- a blueberry facial
- a warm drying of your pet
- a paw-dicure, which includes nail trimming and a soothing foot massage with lotion for those sore & tired paws
- Topped off with a bandana and a spritz of cologne!

PERFECT for the upcoming HOLIDAYS!

*Canine Lullaby's are now played in our boarding, grooming and cat areas
These are real lullaby's with human heart beats in the background
These CD's have been proven to relax animals

*A website guestbook - Please make sure you sign it!
Thank you for visiting our website - we look forward to seeing you soon! 


We have also found several ways to go green and not  sacrifice any services, safety or satisfaction. The little things have added up, taking us several steps forward to reduce our carbon paw print. We believe in a green planet and in making a better place for dogs and people!